Friday 27 April 2012

Allison Torneros

Image found at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)
Torneros’s works impressed me very much, at first I found myself starring at the monitor for minutes, just to pick up all the details in one piece. Because her style is very bold and unique, for me is that type of artworks that make me wanting to pick a pencil and a piece of paper and just draw until I get out something as spectacular as that. Her style is daring, and not in a weird, sexual way, but putting so much together can be risky, the colors, the style, the lines and the dynamic, it can be over exaggerated sometimes, but I don’t think it’s the case for her.

Image found at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)

When it comes to compositions, I don’t necessarily feel like it’s always ok, but it’s her own view that matters, and as a spectator, I can only say that her art is fabulous, it is unique, and urban, I know that I have a lot to learn from her. I also like the contrast she uses between the decorative side and the more realistic one, she makes a nice combination of these two, not too much not too less.

Image found at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)

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