Thursday, 26 April 2012

Cindy Sherman

Image found at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)

Cindy Sherman is an American photographer, most of her work representing self portraits, by putting herself in different situation, in the skin of so many characters, by dressing up, using wigs and excessive makeup. In some of the photos you can hardly recognize her, because actually Sherman ‘in real life could not be more natural in her appearance’ (Dorment, 2009).What I appreciate about her, is that she is maybe sarcastic or has some dark humor in some of her works, but she is not doing it to make fun of the characters, it’s just because it’s hard for her to understand why all this people take this decisions to be someone that looks so fake and sometimes, ridiculous. She is relating her art on people she sees day by day, and most of them are portraits of females, which did brought up comments that she may be a feminist, even if she doesn’t consider her work making part of that category. There is a very big truth revealed in her works, and I do believe that her photographs make part of that category which you just love, or you don’t, because you can’t say that her art is made for everyone, it’s more for people that share her ideas.  

Reference list:  Dorment, R. (2009) ‘Cindy Sherman: Sprüth Magers Gallery – review’, The Telegraph, 27 April [Online]Available at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)

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