Friday 27 April 2012

Martin Hargreaves and his Illustrations

Image found at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)

I ran into Martin’s work while researching for a project, and I was very surprised of his works, he is very complex and uses images in a very clever way of showing today’s problems and challenged ‘the way we look at 3rd world poverty and question our pre-conceptions’ (Illustration LTD., 2010). He made an entire series of this type of posters, and I am pretty sure that he made a bid impression and did changed a lot of people’s minds, and the way they look at the world. It is a harsh truth about the series he created and exhibited in Paris. I would have loved to get the chance to see it, he makes quite a big statement and I appreciate that he is not afraid of putting his work out, even though some people might take as an offense , but I personally think there is nothing wrong with expressing your ideas, I think it comes back to pre-conceptions, and they we want or not to read and accept what the artist wanted for us to see, it can either be liked or not, it depends on each person’s likes.

Image found at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)

Reference list: Illustration LTD. (2010) ‘Tackling Preconceptions’ Illustration, 7 May. Available at: (Accessed: 27 April 2012)

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